Online Classes

Online Classes: Are They The Future?

In recent years the way we learn and work has been changing rapidly due to one little thing called the Internet. One of the emergent topics right now is online classes. They are making a huge buzz all over the world, and for good reason.

No one could have guessed that education, in general, would go through such a life-changing reform, especially considering that teaching methods have not changed much throughout the centuries. However, with online classes, we are witnessing such change and the question that arises is: are online classes the future of education? It probably is. I do not like to do guesswork but I will explain why I think it might be.


There is no denying it, this is the biggest asset in the online classes’ arsenal. The number of implications and restrictions that come with physically attending a class, while juggling a class of thirty or more students, are insane.

Online learning totally changes the game in this regard. Teachers can schedule a class more flexibly; they can try to meet the students’ timetable or try to schedule them whenever possible for everyone.

On top of that, students can watch the class from anywhere! Sure, it is always advisable that students remain in a controlled and calm environment, like an office. But there are times when life gets in the way. For example, when I was younger my father became very ill and I used to spend a lot of time in the hospital with him. I was missing classes left and right, not learning anything. If I had this type of possibility at the time, I wouldn’t have become so lost in school.

Materials are always available

Another great advantage is the easy access to materials. Remember the old days when we had to write everything the teacher was saying to have an easier time studying for tests?  Yes, because teachers mostly focused their tests on what they said and not on what was in the actual textbooks. We had to write everything down at the speed of light!

With online learning though? No need! We can access the recordings of the class. We can just rewind the teacher and listen to him over and over again. Also, teachers usually upload important notes and textbooks to the e-learning platform, which is also a great plus for our education.

Many online courses are even going the full e-learning route, that is, they upload the necessary materials, texts, class recordings for the student to study and then quiz him/her on a weekly basis. Usually, they also hold a small session every fortnight so that students can approach teachers with all their questions. A bit extreme but it is becoming more and more common.


This is also extremely important because it teaches people how to be responsible for their goals. With so many resources available, the student becomes responsible for his/her success. If they fail, they can work hard to recover. We can’t blame it on the teacher anymore since everyone is on equal footing and the materials are all there. It all boils down to who put in the actual work and who slacked off.

Nevertheless, online classes do not mean there is no direct interaction with the teacher. Quite the contrary, in fact. Since there are no wastes of time with commutes, traffic, switching classrooms, teachers have more time to devote to 1on1 meetings with students. However, it still depends on the student’s proactivity.

Are online classes the future?

I think so, but if I had to bet, I think we will never reach a fully online education. I mean, I believe the perfect future for the education sector would be a mixed approach, as, online and in-person.

Several psychologists have already pointed out that we need to socialize from a young age, it is a big part of our nature. And the lack of a physical environment for children to interact with each other in class is absolutely detrimental to their development. However, that does not mean they can’t implement a mixed approach. Kids can play and socialize elsewhere some days when taking their classes remotely.

Finding the perfect approach for children will always be tricky since we need to consider their development. On the other hand, online classes are already a big hit with older students and I can only imagine they will keep on growing in popularity. If all kinds of people are able to acquire knowledge and pursue further qualifications in a more cost-effective manner, while not dealing with traffic and having the luxury of a flexible schedule, how would it not be a success? It is a no-brainer.